terça-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2013

Arm Break

Arm Break


Arm Break
NappaArmBreakRush NappaArmBreakRush.
Alternate namesAmu Bureiku
Arm Smasher
Debut"The Power of Nappa"
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Arm Break (アームブレイク) is a rush attack used by Nappa while using his Lightning Aura technique. Nappa powers up with his Lightning Aura and charges at the opponent to deliver a powerful punch to their arm, capable of severing it, causing excruciating pain, and major damage to the opponent.
Nappa breaks Tien's arm
Nappa used this attack during his battle against Tien Shinhan. After powering up with his Lightning Aura to combat the Z Fighters, Nappa chose to fight Tien first and attacked him, scorching Tien's arm in the process. Nappa then attacked Tien with the Arm Break rush, severing Tien's arm and mortally wounding him.
Arm Break was named in the Raging Blast series and is one of Nappa's Super Attacks. It also appears in Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi. In video games, the move does not sever the victim's arm, but it is clear that they are in great pain.


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